Iowaz Index 
Links to 
personal pages
and more.


The photo hosting site contains material regarding history, maps, genealogy along the
Salt River flowage in NE Missouri and Fayette County in NE Iowa.

Photo site: Index
Last uploaded:  2024May01

Fayette County Iowa
Fayette County Historical/Genealogy Society Information
....& email
Fayette County Iowa 1878 & 1910 Histories (pdf files)

Auburn Village & Belknap, Earll surnames
Gilson cheese factory &  surname
Orphan Train Children, Fay.Co.IA & Trees for some of the
   receiving families:  Alley, Langerman
Westfield Mill, Fayette.IA, operators Templeton, Brelsford, Gregory,
   Holmes, Cobb, Klock

County Farm Hist & Burials, Fay.Co.IA

Groat (Arlington) Cemetery, Fairfield Twp,  Fay.Co
Lima Cemetery Burials, Westfield Twp,  Fay.Co.IA
Mill Grove or McAlavey Cem, Fairfield Twp, Fayette Co, IA
Mt. Pleasant Cem, Union Twp, Fayette Co, IA

Oak Ridge Cem (Auburn), Auburn Twp, Fayette Co, IA
Pleasant Hill Cem, Westfield Twp, Fayette Co, IA , burial database, link to full photo survey, trees for Bass, Dean, Dixon, Epps, Graham, Lewis, Moore, Stepp, Tann, Wilson.

Photo Albums regarding various Fay.Co.IA cem's are in the photo site:

Fayette, Iowa
...Waterbury surname & Tunnel, Fayette
...Bridges of Fayette
...Railroad, Butment Bridge, Rock Cut, Station area
...Fayette Brewery (Moser/Graf Brewery abt1875-1879)
...Three Creameries of Fayette.IA 1880-1965
...Fayette House Hotel, Canfield, Humiston surnames
...Fayette Missionary to Africa 33yr, Susan Collins
Harness Makers
Cleveland Block & Drug Stores
Empire House Hotel
...Eagle Point

...Klocks Island, Fayette.IA park
...First Methodist Church, Fayette.IA
...'the Shot Tower' a 3 story stone/brick 1860+ home on W.Water.St, Fayette.IA, lost to fire 19teens, a forgotten history, built by Robert Alexander.
...Grim Locker Plant/Service 1944>1960+

The early decades in the Fayette area.
"Chats with Old Timers"


Surnames: genealogy
...Items in black & others may have a tree or page started, some info may be available by email contact.

Abernathy, Abernethy, Fayette.Co.IA & Civil War sons
Ablett surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Andres surname, Clover Farm Store, Fayette, Fayette.Co.IA
Augir surname, Fayete.Co.IA
Ainsworth surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Baker, Dr. Marcus Young, Fayette, Fayette.Co.IA

Barber surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Barber Brothers History, Fayette.Co.IA

Barkhuff surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Barnard surname, early Fayette.IA merchants
Barnhouse surname,  Fayette & Clayton Co Iowa
Bass surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Beadle, Henry Beadle, Auburn, Fayette.Co.IA
Belknap,  Earll surn
ames & Auburn Village, Fay.Co.IA
Bever, Beaver surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Bilger surname & Brewery, Auburn village, Fayette.Co.IA
Billmeyer surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Bing surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Bratt surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Burns, Levi, of Lima area, Fayette.Co.IA
Butler surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Burget surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Byers surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Canfield, Humiston surnames & Fayette House Hotel
Carpenter surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Cavanaugh James family, Fayette.IA,
    & son Sheriff Dominic
of Montana + other ranchers.

Chase surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Cline surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Cole surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Coleman surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Collins Susan, Fayette Missionary to Africa 33yrs.

Conner, Connor burials, trees, + Elgin
Coselman surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Cronk surname, Fayette.Co.IA
County Farm Hist & Burials, Fay.Co.IA
Culbertson surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Davis, John Lovejoy Davis, Auburn, Fayette.Co.IA
Dennis surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Denniston surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Dixon surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Doan surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Domke surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Doty surname, Fayette.Co.Iowa
Sullivan Doty & Delilah nee Fair Clouse, Fay.Co.IA
Earle & Albany Mill, Fayette.Co.IA
Earll & Belknap surnames, & Auburn Village
Eastman surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Eckheart, Eckhardt, Eckhart, Fayette.Co.IA
Everett surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Falk surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Fels surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Fauser &  Albany area, Fayette.Co.IA
Finch surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Fitzsimmons surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Fortney surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Fryer surname (have tree started)
Fussell surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Gaynor Genealogy Fayette.Co.IA
Gilmer surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Gilson surname & cheese factory, Fay.Co.IA
Gist surname & burials, Fayette.Co.IA
Gleim, Gleim surname, Fayette.Co.IA

Goodrich surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Grahlman surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Graf, Peter Sr family, Fayette IA, g/f of Zinita Graf Baylies
Grannis surname & Grannis Hollow Mill
Grim surname, grocery, meat locker
Gundlach surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Guyer surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Hadsel surname, Dr. Henry S., in Maynard & Elgin, Fay.Co.IA
Hensley surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Hensley, old 2000 Lima page, Fayette.Co.IA
Hester surname, Henry.Co.IA
Hill, Truman Sherman of Frog Hollow, Fayette.Co.IA
Hobson surname & pottery,  Fayette.Co.IA
Hitch surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Hoepfner, Hoephner surname, Fayette.Co.IA

Holtzman surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Homewood surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Houlsworth surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Howard surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Hoyt surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Hulbert surname, Fayette & Clayton Co, Iowa
Humiston, Canfield surnames & Fayette House Hotel
Hunt surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Hurd Surname & Business College of UIU, Fayette.IA
Thomas Vincent Hunt x Grace Catherine Strong, Fayette.IA
Hutchinson, Hutchison surname, Fayette Co, IA

Hyde surname, of Albany area, Fayette.Co.IA
Hyman surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Ishman surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Jacob Hill genealogy, Arlington area, Fay.Co.IA
Jewett surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Kauffman Mill & surname at Mill Grove, Fay.Co.IA
Kenyon, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA, tree info stored.
Kingman surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Knight surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Knight, Jonathan Family of Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
Kopet Genealogy Bohemia IA MN WI
Landas surname, Lima area, Fay.Co.IA
Lawrence surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Liscum surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Louvring surname & murder, Fayette.IA
Mabb surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Marvin Mills, Albany & Fayette, reworking 2012June
McAlavey/McLavey surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Mill Grove or McAlavey Cem, Fairfield Twp, Fayette Co, IA
McCleery, Auburn miller, Fayette.Co.IA

McElree surname, Fayette.Co.IA
McEwen, McCrea, Carnall, James Scott, Fayette.Co.IA
McKee surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Maxfield, Samuel, ex-slave, Albany farm
Moulton surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Mullins surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Marine surname, Fayette.Co.IA, tree info stored.
Nefzger surname, Store & Distillery, Albany, Fayette.Co.IA

Neuenschwander, Neuenswander, Fay.Co.IA
Nicklaus, Peter, Elgin Stave Factory > Canning Facotory
Nims surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Noble surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Norton, Elijah, SW corner Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
Oelberg surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Older surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Paine, Jason x Kent, Margaret, 1st UIU   Class 1862, M.E. Minister
Parker Dr. Charles Coleman family of Fayette.IA
Pfeiffer surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Pierce surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Pinney surname, of the Lutra/Elgin area, Fayette.Co.IA
Pitts surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Popenhagen surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Proctor surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Quitmeyer surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Reeves surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Rich surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Ridler surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Robbins surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Rothlisberger surname, Fayette, Clayton, Plymouth Co's, IA
Saltsgiver surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Scobey, Main.St, Fayette, Fayette.Co.IA
Shesler, Shisler,  Fayette.Co.IA
Schuler surname, Winneshiek.Co.IA
Siglin surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Smock surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Spatcher surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Staples surname, Center.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA
Stearns surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Stirk surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Strickland surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Strayer surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Sturgis surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Sturch surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Sykes surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Tann surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Templeman, Weaver Quarry & Fayette Stone Company
Templeton, Westfield Mill, Fayette.IA
Thompson, Thomas family of Sec 31, Smithfield.Twp
Thompson, Scotch/Irish>Fay.Co.IA>links to right>
Thompson, Eng> Dover.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
Thorp surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Townsend surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Truesdell surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Twitchell surname, Fayette Co, Iowa
Valentine, Robert T., of Albany area, Fayette.Co.IA
Vought surname, Fayette.Co.IA

Waite, Wait surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Wing surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Ware, Lemuel Rayomond Ware, Auburn, Fayette.Co.IA
Waterbury surname
& Tunnel, Fayette
Watrous surname, Fayette.Co.IA

Widger surname of Albnay & Fayette, Fayette.Co.IA
Winston, Alexander family of Fayette.IA & Rock.Co.WI
Wroe surname of Lima/Frog Hollow area, Fayette.Co.IA
Zbornik surname, Winneshiek & Fayette.Co.IA


History Projects
Making Shine, Lincoln New Salem Village


Shelby Co, MO
Wood Cem, Shelby Co, Missouri
Bacon Chapel Church/Cemetery
Bacon Chapel Neighborhood

Pike Co, MO

Henderson Cem, Pike Co, Missouri
Love Cem, Station & Farm, Pike Co, Missouri
Roberson Cem, Salt River Twp, Pike Co, Missouri
Mt. Pleasant Cem, Pike Co, Missouri
Spencerburg Cem, Pike Co, Missouri
Watters Family Cem, Pike Co, Missouri

Scotland Co, MO
Battle of Vassar Hill, Scotland Co, MO


Coming someday:

Brainard neighborhood, P.Val. Twp.
Auburn, Auburn Twp.
Auburn Mill, Pottery, Brewery.
Thompson and related of Arlington
Mill Grove neighborhood.
Hobson Pottery
Fayette village 'stuff'

DuPont Reservation, Pike Co, Missouri
Busch Station, Pike Co, Missouri
Ashburn, Pike Co, Missouri



Fayette Iowa High School Cardinals

Cardinal Reunion & Info page
All-Cardinal Annual Gathering (ended in 2015)
Cardinal Classes 1885-1985+
Cardinal Email Addresses
Cardinal Update Page 

First Fayette Iowa Schools
Fayette High School 1916 Construction & History

Fayette High School Student Alpha/Year List

FHS School Songs


Cardinal Annuals and All-Cardinal pics are being uploaded to

Photo Hosting site:  Starting late fall 2006, Fotki, a functional picture hosting site is being utilized to upload reference and project material I have collected over the past two decades.  Links to specific folders/albums are constantly changing so entering the general site and browsing is the best way to locate uploaded pics from various projects.  Albums generally contain a large number of pics so browsing is necessary using the thumbs.  Clicking a thumb opens a med sized pic.  Clicking the 'get original uploaded phote' link below the med pic opens the larger version.  Right clicking on the large photo and selecting 'save as,' will allow any pic to be saved to your harddrive for use or reference.  The site makes it look like pics need to be purchased.  Do not buy pics, download what is needed free.

Hunt Family Pages, Eydon.Eng to Fayette.IA
10000John1725 Hunt, Eydon.Eng, oldest known of the line

12630RebuenSr1823Hunt x Eliz.Wrench
....Wrench Tree, Out of England to New York state.

Thomas Vincent1849 Hunt x Grace Catherine Strong

Thompson Family Pages
This is my ggGrandfather Samuel Thompson's line, the Scotch/Irish Thompson line out of Harford.Co.MD in the early/mid 1700's that moved across PA into OH in the early 1800's.  The Thompson's of Harrison/Carroll Co, OH that moved to Fayette Co, Iowa starting in the early 1850's with other OH surnames.

Thompson Reunion (2nd Sunday in August)
2013 Thompson Reunion 
Thompson Reunion History, Early Years

Thompson pages
Andrew Thompson X Elizabeth Denbow (parents of Zach Caleb)
Zachariah Caleb Thompson X Priscilla Albaugh (parents of below)
William Thompson X Jane Capper
Eli Isaac Thompson X Eliza Kirby
Samuel Andrew Thompson  Martha Sherman
Morris Jackson Thompson X Sarah Jane Brown & Catherine Holman
Catherine Thompson X John Mordecai Amos
Alexander Thompson X Lavina Foster
Martha Thompson X William J. Allen
Allen Caleb Thompson X Louisa Sell & Helen Billings
Elizabeth Thompson X Wm. Henry Moore (2nd/late wife)
David Bradford Thompson X Mary Ellen Hill

Allen Cemetery, Carroll Co, Ohio

Thompson photo folder with a variety of photo albums
Other Fayette Co Iowa related folders are in the photo hosting site.

Strayer Family Pages
German immigrants associated with the Heckert/Heckart surname in PA/MO/IA.
Trees will be posted....sometime.

Sheetz Strayer surname, Winneshiek Co, Iowa
Sheetz collateral surnames, Winn.Co.IA

(Knight, Northup, Abbey, Van Pelt, Paley,
Blackburn, Stuart)

Heckert/Heckart Family Pages
The John Michael Heckardt b.1703/Ger, d.aft1860/PA, line.
...My ggGrandmother Eliz Heckart Strayer line. Two Heckart brothers followed early German migration from Penn to NE Missouri in 1838. 
...John Adam1790 Sr Heckart's family settled in Shelbyville & on the Salt River 4mi SW, Salt.River.Twp, Shelby.Co.MO (my line). 
...Yost/Jost1795 Heckart settled about 20mi downstream on the Salt River SW of Spaulding Springs in Ralls.Co.MO. 
...The Heckart's were PA millwrights, craftsman, farmers, rivermen.  For two generations the Adam & Yost lines built and ran mills along the Salt River counties and also farmed.  Some remained in MO; some moved to IA and westward to CA, OR, CO. 
...Other Heckert/Heckart lines moved out of PA also.  The Heckert surname is very difficult to follow and verify for a number of reasons. 
...Much of the post Ancestry material has derived from Meiser's1993 work. 
...There many errors, gaps, best guesses in available Heckert material but it becomes a starting point. 
...For simplicity and allowing for quick tree replacement the Heckert pages are only linked off this index page.  The pages are stand-alone pages, only getting updated when working on a single page so differences will occur through time.  The most current data may be in FTM on a harddrive.

Heckart, Heckart, Heckard, Heckardt, a German surname:
00000000 Heckert, Heckart, Heckardt surname

The First Immigrant was Franz1702 son Conrad1680, coming in 1736:
00000000 Franz.Heckert, son of Conrad & 1st immigrant 1736.

The Second immigrant was Michael1703, coming in 1748:
Michael1703 Heckardt/Heckert line
There is no indication a direct relative of Franz. 
Possible children of Michael1703 are listed below.
Generation and child number:
10000000 Michael1703 Heckert x Catherine.Heberer
11000000 Anna Magdalena1723 Heckert x Adam Hain
12000000 Peter1727 Heckert x Unknown
13000000 Wilhem1733 Heckert x Eliz.Gertrude.Fischer
  13100000 Elizabeth1753 Heckart x Jost/Yost Seiler
      (Eliz was dau of an Unknown 1st wife of Wilhem1733)
  13200000 Peter1755 Heckert x Anna Maria Heiner
  13300000 Wilhelm1757 Heckert x ?? (no data, need data)
  13400000 Casper1759 Heckert x Catherine Steinbrecker
13500000 Michael.Heckert x Catharine.Eliz.Schreyer
13510000 Adam Sr.1790 Heckart x Magdalena.Schneider
13540000 Yost1795 Heckart x Mary.Eva.Schneider

13600000 Philip1765 x ?? (no data, need data)
  13700000 Frederick1767 x Margaretha Rity/Riley (no data)

14000000 Appolonia1738 Heckert x Peter Fischer
15000000 Anna Margaretha1741 Heckert x Peter Lamm
16000000 Conrad1743 Heckert x Susanna Unknown (need data)
17000000 Philipus1744 Heckert x Anna Maria Hain
18000000 Christian Michael1746 Heckert (need data)

William Boyd x Martha Heckart (dau of John Adam Sr)

Stone Valley Cemetery, Hickory Corners, NUMB.Co.PA
Missouri 49's from Shelby & Monroe Co, Adam & Florian Heckart

Heckart Related Photo Folders/Albums:
Heckart Albums
Ralls County Missouri
Shelby County Missouri
Or browse the Photo Hosting site

Zbornik Family Pages
Zbornik Genealogy Bohemia to Iowa
Kopet Genealogy Bohemia IA MN WI
Siglin surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Schuler surname, Winneshiek.Co.IA

Neuenschwander, Neuenswander, Fayette Co, Iowa

Web Site Host Change:  I moved away from Angelfire to LunarPages in 2007.  Some Angelfire pages may have been kept operative but many were deleted, with some moved over to LunarPages to the domain name.  A great amount of my history/genealogy work will now be within photo albums on the photo hosting site and not on web pages.







Vmax Starter Clutch

PDF file Manuals (large downloads)
FZ1 Manual 2001
FZ1 Parts 2001
R6 Manual 2003
KLR Manual 01
KLR Manuel 02
Honda V65 Manual

Iowa State Univeristy 1961-1965 Griffith House
Truman Lake Gathering 2011



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Any reproduction of this site or it's contents requires express written consent.

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Angelfire Pages
(old hosting site. 1998-2006)

Drop down to old pages which are or were on Angelfire.
Newest Projects
Fayette Iowa Cardinals
Fayette Iowa Village

Fayette County Iowa
Paternal Genealogy
Maternal Genealogy
Northeast Missouri
Genealogy and History Look-ups
Outdated Motorcycle Pages

Many links will be broken as most pages are old/outdated.

Newest Projects


Fayette Iowa Cardinals

Web Site Host Change:  I am moving away from Angelfire.  "LunarPages" will be hosting new pages starting in 2007.  I will keep some Angelfire pages operative, but will be moving others over to LunarPages to the domain name.

New pages:
Spencerburg Cem, Pike Co, Missouri
Watters Family Cem, Pike Co, Missouri


Photohosting site:
Starting late fall 2006, Fotki, a functional picture hosting site is being utilized after a long period of avoidance.  Links to specific folders/albums are constantly changing so entry to the general site and browsing is the best way to locate uploaded pics from various projects.  Albums generally contain a large number of pics so browsing is necessary using the thumbs.  Clicking a thumb opens a med sized pic.  Clicking the 'original uploaded size' link below the med pic opens the larger uploaded version.


Fayette High School Cardinals  (The Cardinal  pages were last updated in Sept of 2006.  The Cardinal pages will be left online until about mid 2007, but not be kept updated.  The Cardinal pages will be moved over to the site when they are updated, with the links at the top of this index page.)
Cardinal Site Updates
Annual All-Cardinal Gathering
Printable All-Cardinal Info
Cardinal Database 1886-1986

Cardinal Email List
FHS School Song
Fayette Class of 1936

Some Cardinal Annuals and All-Cardinal pics are being uploaded to


NOTE:  If you attended FHS we would like your data.
return to top


Fayette Iowa Village

Grandview Cemetery, Fayette, Iowa
Sec A Burials, Years
Sec A Burials, Surnames 
Sec A  Burials, Lots and Pic Links
How Grandview Started
Hill Entrance & Some Fay. Hist.

Decades in the Fayette, IA area
"Chats with Old Timers" by time

"Chats with Old Timers" by topics
Hunt's Furniture and Undertaking, 1875
1910 Main Street Fayette
1911 Main Street Fayette

Westfield "Pry" Quarry Line, 1850's
the Big Rocks area 








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Fayette County Iowa

1850 Fayette Co. Census Info
Mission Trail to Ft. Atkinson

Fayette Surname Genealogy
Job Ashby Family Farm and Dunham Grove School
Strong, and Albert H. Strong Biography

1860 Fayette County Census Data
Westfield Township 1860 Census
West Union Township 1860 Census
Fairfield Township 1860 Census, with history.

"History of Fayette County 1878"
In the Beginning, pp307-312

important links to other's Fayette interests.
Fayette Co Rootsweb (a must)
Marjorie Fletcher's Genealogy (Dempster, Smith)

The First Settlement, the Wilcox Cabin, pp 315-317
Railroads, pp 453-456
Albany, p 516
Fayette Occupations
Fayette Biographical, A-H
Fayette Biographical, H-W
Westfield Twp (Fayette)
Westfield Biographical
Westfield Occupations
Illyria Twp (Wadena)
Illyria Biographical
Center Twp (Randalia)
Center Twp Biographical A-M
Center Twp Biographical M-Z
Fairfield Twp. (Brush Creek)
Fairfield Biographical, A-L
Fairfield Biographical, M-W
Smithfield Twp. (S of Fayette)
Smithfield Biographical
Harlan Twp (Maynard)
Harlan Biographical
Pleasant Valley Twp Bios, A-I
Pleasant Valley Twp Bios, J-Z
Auburn Twp (Waucoma, Alpha)
Eden Twp 

The lost villages of Lima and Albany

Worked on in 2003.  There may be information on these pages which applies to all of pioneer Fayette Co, Iowa. Send edits, text, pictures to add to these pages.

Lima Andrew Hensley and Pioneer History Andrew Hensley was one of the original pioneers into Fayette County along the Mission Trail in Westfield Township, buying the Nathaniel Wilcox claim in 1842 and relocating to the county in 1844, then to Lima, Albany for the remainder of his life in 1849.
"Pioneer Poem" by Reuben H. Hensley Reuben was a younger son of Andrew and farmed the Hensley farm on the north edge of Albany in the early 1900's.

Lima Railroad  A revolution of transportation and communication for an isolated farming 'community.'  The first train arrived late in 1882, the last in 1838. 

Mills, an introduction to their operation.
Lima Mill (Mills started villages.  The old mill site can still be located. Large page, is slow loading.)
Hiram Marvin's Albany Mill

Lima Country School (Includes Albany, Frog Hollow, Westfield Township and some early Fayette County, Iowa history.
Lima Cemetery Burials (Lists most burials up to about 1990 and is a faster loading text level page).
Lima Cemetery (Same burial list with numerous pics, but a large page that may not load on dial-up modems without multiple refreshing)
Lima Community Church

Lima People the Carmichael cabin (a pioneer family's log cabin, and some early history)
Lima People the Crawford Monument
Lima People Sunday School in the 1920's

Lima People Church Picture in 1911
Lima People Church Horse Shed in 1911
Lima People Area Men at Pilkington's Store pre-1907

Lima People Oelberg Store Pictures and information on the Lima Store including area residents with names in front of the store.  Page is a general overview of the Lima area.
Lima People Threshing on the Jim Davis farm  A brief look at steam power in the valley.  Farming would start be become more mechanized in the late 1800's.

Lima Text 1878 History Biographies of Albany and Lima area.

Lima Text 1860 Census (The 1860 Census of Westfield Township list many of the early families.  Plats from 1868 show some names.)


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Maternal Genealogy

My genealogy pages contain a lot of data gathered off internet resources and should not assumed correct for official genealogy work.  The information is made available for family use to piece together the possible lineage of several surnames before it is totally lost. If you have connections or data to post send it along. Most of the pages are quite old as web work takes a huge amount of time, plus pages are only edited when a project is revisited.

The Thompson surname came from Scotland/Irelend through Harford Co, Maryland to Harrison/Carroll Co, Ohio, then to Fayette Co, Iowa.  There are many related Ohio surnames in the Arlington, Wadena, Elgin, West Union, Fayette aera.

Thompson--Scotland>Ireland>Bush River Lower Hundred, Harford/Baltimore Co, Maryland>Harrison/Carroll Co, Ohio>Fayette Co. Iowa
Thompson Genealogy Index page
(plus links to Brush Creek/Arlington info)
Thompson Descendent Tree
Thompson Genealogy Report
Thompson Biographical Article
Thompson Land Records in Fayette Co

Hartley Tree
Tomlinson Tree


The Denbow Family 
Denbow History
Denbow Tree
Denbow Report

Thompson Photos
1910 Thompson Reunion

Alphabetical Listing of Thompson Related Surnames

Albaugh Descendent Tree
Albaugh Genealogy Report

Samuel I Andrew Thompson Line
(My gggrandfather Thompson)

Sherman Descendent Tree
Sherman Genealogy Report
Warren Descendent Tree
Warren Descendent Report

Catherine Thompson Amos Line
Amos Descendent Tree
Amos Genealogy Report
Amos Biographical Articles

Thompson Cemeteries of Interest
Allen Cemetery, Carroll Co, Ohio
  High graphics, slow loading.
Allen Cemetery Text, Ohio
  Faster loading text version.

Capper---OH>Fay. Co, IA
Capper Descendent Tree
Capper Information to date

Brush Creek/Arlington area
Brush Creek Time Line   
Pioneer Letter on 1800's Life in Ohio/Illinois
Solon W. Barnes, 1850's life around Taylorsville
Groat Cemetery 
(full page with graphics, slow loading)
Groat Cemetery (fast loading text page)
Garden Prairie Cemetery, Church and Genealogy (full page with graphics, slow loading)
Garden Prairie Cemetery, Church and Genealogy (faster loading with less graphics and text)

Thompson and Ohio relatives, find the links to Groat and Garden Prairie Cemeteries  as they contain some of the surnames from Allen Cem of Ohio.


Maternal Primary Surnames:  
Hunt--Oxfordshire Co, Eng>New York>Fayette, Iowa
>Maryland > Ohio>  Fay. Co. IA  
Strayer--Germany>PA>Fay. Co, IA
Heckart--Germany>PA>NE MO>IA&CA
Parsons--Eng.>New Eng>Ill>Fay. Co. IA
Other Surnames of Interest:   Albaugh, Allen, Amos, Denbow, Shepherd, Compton,


Hunt--England>NY>Fayette, IA

Hunt Full Descendent Tree

Hunt Full Report
Hunt's Furniture and Undertaking, 1875

Wrench Descendent Tree



Strayer--Germany>PA>Fay. Co, IA
Strayer Descendent Tree
Strayer Complete Information to date
The mill at Clinton/Jonesburg, MO (coming soon)

Heckart--Germany>PA>NE MO>IA&CA
Heckart Descendent Tree
Heckart Complete Information to date

Old Clinton Cemetery, Monroe Co, MO
The Gold Rush and the Heckart clan

Parsons--Eng.>New Eng>Ill>Fay. Co. IA
Parsons Descendent Tree

Parsons Complete Information to date



















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Paternal Genealogy

Zbornik--Prague area, Bohemia (Czech Republic)>NY>Winn. & Fay. Co. IA
Zbornik Outline Descendent Tree, Full Family
Zbornik Genealogy Report, Full Family
Zbornik, Mathias & Rosalia Kopet, Original Pioneers

Zbornik, James Mathias, Oldest Child
Zbornik, Mary (Foreman), 2nd Child
Zbornik, Catherine (Kipp), 3rd Child
Zbornik, Franz Thomas, 4th Child, died in infancy.
Zbornik, John Henry, 5th Child
Zbornik, Joseph, 6th Child, no family listed.

Siglin--Germany > PA > Fayette Co, IA


Other Surnames of interest: Copet, Schuler, Forsman, Reimler.

Neuenschwander--Switz>New Eng>Elgin, Fay. Co. IA
Neuenschwander Descendent  Tree
Neuenschwander Information to date






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Northeast Missouri

Shelby Co, MO, Bacon Chapel Cemetery
Shelby Co, MO, Bacon Ch & Walkerville neighborhood

I have a large amount of reference material stored for Ralls Co.  A moderate amount for Pike and Shelby, with small amount of Marion Co material.  I have made a project of fully digitalizing any of the old atlases/plats for NEMO counties.  My main interest is the Salt River flowage through Pike, Ralls, Monroe, Marion, Shelby Co's, so am out and about with projects and can sometimes find old burials, lost places, etc. of interest for digitals.

The Gold Rush from NE MO
Old Clinton Cemetery, Monroe Co, MO

Various NE Missouri items are being uploaded to

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Look Ups and Help

Look Ups, NE Iowa.

Cemeteries, Fayette County, Iowa, Townships:
At present I have ALL of the  Fayette County Cemetery booklets in my possession.  If you need Surname referenced email me the information.
Auburn---Eden, Oak Ridge-Auburn, St. Luke's Catholic, Sawyer Family.
Banks---Sumner Union
Bethel---Bethel, Richfield, Pitts Family
Center---Center Grove, Dunham Grove
Clermont---St. Peter's Catholic
Dover---Bethany Lutheran, Dover Public, George, Nutting, St. Peter's Lutheran-Eldorado.
Eden---Alpha, Eden, Oak Lawn, St. Mary's Catholic, St. Rose Catholic, Waucoma.
Fairfield---Brooks, Groat Cemetery Database (Brush Creek or Arlington),
Taylorville, McAlavey.
Fremont----Greenwood, Calvary Catholic, St. Peter Lutheran
Harlan---Long Grove
Illyria---Illyria-Highland, Old Pioneer in Wadena, St. Jospeh's Catholic, Wadena.
Oran---Fairbank Protestant, Immaculate Conception, Oran
Pleasant Valley---Brainard, God's Acres, Elgin.
Smithfield--- Garden Prairie Cemetery, Church and Genealogy
---Lippincott Family, Mr. Calvary Catholic (Holy Name), Mt. Pleasant, Pleasant Grove, West Union
Westfield---Fayette (Grandview, original book), County Farm, Lima, Pleasant Hill, St. Francis Catholic. 
Grandview, Sec A Burials, Years
---Boales, Hawkeye, North Windsor, South Windsor

Fayette Co, Iowa, 1878, indexed.
Fayette Co, Iowa, 1910
Clayton Co, Iowa, both histories, not indexed, need area.
Winneshiek Co History and Bio's

Pics of some old plats of Fayette Co, Iowa.
Pics of numerous counties from Andrea's 1875 Atlas of Iowa.
Pics of old atlas of Clayton Co.
Winneshiek Co, Iowa Atlas of maps



Look Ups, NE Missouri.

Cemeteries, Histories, Census, Records, Misc.
Some information stored regarding  Pike, Ralls, Marion, Monroe, Shelby Counties along the Slat River Flowage.

Digital pics of various areas along the Salt River flowage.

Maps; pics from old atlases along the Salt river flowage.

NE Missouri History/Genealogy
The Gold Rush from NE MO
Old Clinton (St. Peters' Catholic) Cemetery, Monroe Co, MO


Other Help
U.S. census lookup if no access to any data.
Hundreds of personal NEMO and Fayette, IA area pics.
Carroll Co, Ohio Cemeteries Vol IV, 1811-1995, Perry Twp
Hist of Carroll & Harrison Co's, Ohio Vol II, 1921, many surnames.
1874 Hist. Atlas of Carroll Co, Ohio
Arlington, Iowa, School











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Outdated Motorcycle Pages

Yamaha FZ1
FZ1 Review Information

FZ1 Personal Impressions 

FZ1 Race Tourer/Trip to Road America
FZ1 Camping IowaZ Style
FZ1 vs Vmax 
Fast Bikes to Hannibal
FZ1  Windshield Alternative

FZ1 Givi Windscreen Evaluation
FZ1 Windscreen Options
FZ1 Battery Tender Installation & Science
FZ1 Foot Pegs & Engine Guard Mod
FZ1 Radar Detector Mount
FZ1 Manual Fan Switch Installation
FZ1 Mudflap Trimming
FZ1 Sigma Bicycle Speedometer
FZ1 Riderhaus Five Star Tail Rack Installation
FZ1 Headshake?
FZ1 Chain Maintenance
FZ1 Oil Change and Information
FZ1 Motorcycle Oil and Posts

FZ1 Break In, a Theory 
FZ1 Shop Manual Specs
FZ1 Owner's Manual Basics
FZ1 Fastener Torque Values 
FZ1 Front Brake Lever Handle Adjustment
FZ1 Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
FZ1 Throttle Cable Free Play
FZ1 Carb Synchornization with the Carbtune II
FZ1 Carb Removal by the Manual
FZ1 Carb Check, Needle, Jets by the Manual

Dyno Run, Stock & GYTR slipon,  Hp & Torque

FZ1 Exhaust Removal
FZ1 GYT-R Carbon Slip-on Installation 

FZ1 Front Wheel Removal
Pat's FZ1 Pages

Yamaha R6
2003 R6 Media Review Notes
Oil Change

Kaw KLR650
Oil change
Lowering Links

Motorcycle Related Pages (nearly all are old and outdated)
Generally all pages are several years old and contain very outdated information and opinions as very little web work is done anymore.  Online cycle lists need to be consulted for current information and opinions.  The pages will be left online for awhile as there may be some info of value to a new rider, but beware.

Yamaha Vmax related pages
Vmax, The Kind of Muscle Bikes
Zmax Pics, Equipment, Opinions

Seat Removal
Side Stand Switch Removal
Case Guard Installation

Bleeding Brakes/Clutch Lines
Stock Clutch Line Removal
Galfer Braided SS Clutch Line Installation
Front Brake Pad Replacement
Rear Brake Pad Replacement

Installing a Manual Fan Switch
Coolant Notes

Battery Science and Using a Battery Tender

Removing the Stock Vmax Exhaust
Exhaust Sounds and Opinions

Fuel Octane Notes for Past Posts

Changing Plugs and Plug Science  
Changing the Fuel Filter
Carb Cover Bold Replacement & Drilling Mixture Screws Caps

Shimming Carb Needles
Synchronizing Carbs with the Carbtune II  
K&N Air Filter & Drilling the Airbox 'Y'
T-Boost Info & Installation
Orange O-Ring Issue

Oil Pressure & Gauge Installation
Final Drive Lubrication

Fork Brace Installation
Frame Brace Installation

Work's Shocks Installation

Honda V65 Magna
V65 Magna, the First Modern Muscle Bike
Z65 Pics, Mods & Opinions
Cracked Head on a V65 Magna

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(outdated material)
Athletic Strength and Power

  Strength for Athletics and Daily Life
  The Biology of Getting Stronger
  The Basics of the Push-Pull Power Routine
  Power versus Isolation Exercise
  Sample Routine and Lifts
  Power Squats are King!




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